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The economy might not be at its peak, but a €2 glass of wine sounds great

These last few days, Malta has been filled with bad news and complaints, which on the one hand, is good because it has helped the government to realize some things need urgent change. But, on the other hand, corruption, abortion bans, open judicial cases taking too long to take care of, and inflation have at the centre of coverage in every news outlet. So, naturally, these are the first things that come to mind when thinking about the island.

Our country has been known for the significant tourism and lovely landscape we offer, and for years people have come to enjoy every corner of the country, and even though we are not at the best peak, you will be okay with visiting us.

Lovely views, good food, fancy drinks and restaurants, markets, and good wine can be part of your trip, even if you are planning on having an affordable one. Now a small tip; if you want to go out for a beer or a glass of wine, the ones produced in Malta are the best option for the trip. Not only would you support the country’s economy, but the island also has a great wine and craft beer industry; more than that, being local means significantly less expensive. So how does €2 for a glass of regional and excellent wine sound?


Travelling to Malta is a destination you can do while planning a trip on a budget. Plus, tourism is something that Maltese people appreciate a lot, and it’s an essential base for our economy and the function of the country. But, unfortunately, we have been losing it these past few years, not because Malta has changed, it’s because of the image we are creating as a country.
Also, Malta is known as a tourist favourite summer destination, but if you want to avoid the crowds and the intense sun of July and August, the months of May, June, and September are terrific choices too. Of course, the price would go down, but you will still have warm enjoyable weather. You’re welcome!

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